It takes a true leader!

Here is what can be done on a state level:

Do what the most successful region in Europe does to fight Covid-19 (Finland)

Fortify a popular food item or drink. In Finland they fortify a liter of milk with 10 mcg (400 IE) Vitamin-D. In countries where milk consumption is less, consider another drink or food item and/or provide Sprinkles (as used for children in Mongolia)

Immediately recommend that people supplement their intake of Vitamin-D as follows (as does the hospital district of Helsinki, Finland).


  • Overweight people with a body mass index of more than 30: 60 mcg or 2200 IE (E.g. a 2000 IE tablet per day and an occasional extra tablet)

  • Non overweight white adults 20 mcg or 800 IE (E.g. 1000 IE tablet approximately every day)

  • Non overweight colored people, non-overweight people in elderly care or 24 hour care or non-overweight people over 70: 30 mcg or 1200 IE (E.g. 1000 IE tablet per day and an extra table once or twice per week)

D vitamin is stored in the body so theoretically one could take it weekly but 7 times more. However there is considerable evidence that it is much more effective to take it daily. There is also new evidence that side effects are reduced if taken daily rather than weekly. A compromise approach is to advice people if they have a tendency to forget to take the daily dosage to sometimes take more.

Advice people not to take too much as this can be dangerous!

(Given that the people of Finland are already getting 10 mcg, 400 IE (International Units) in a liter of milk, we have upped the advice above by this amount)

Do the above immediately this is not the time to bury the issue inside reports or committees. This policy can be reviewed later e.g. after the pandemic.

Advice people to eat enough nuts, fruits and vegetables so that they get enough Magnesium, Vitamin K and Vitamin A as this reduces any side effects of taking Vitamin D.

Advice the general public against taking Zinc and warn the medical establishment against Vitamin-C. Vitamin-C is known to increase the likelihood of death in Intensive care by 360%. (There has been some false information spreading on the Internet suggesting the opposite)

Here is what you can do at a regional level or local level:

The same as above (except the fortification part). Local authorities can take this matter into their own hands if governments are too slow to react.

Hospitals, doctors, pharmacists, schools, work places, elderly care facilities, organizations:

The same as above (except the fortification part). People with a medical background are generally free to take this matter into their own hands if authorities are too slow to react. Others can still give advice pending verification from from people with a medical background.

For Covid-19 patients Hospitals would probably do better to use Calcifediol than normal vitamin-D as it gives the body a 7-day head start. Otherwise it is kind of too late. Also do not give mega dosage e.g. IU 200,000 is too much and has been shown to increase the risk of death. 0.5 mg of oral Calcifediol has been shown to give great results. Using not only a booster dosage but also regular dosages and a smaller booster is likely to be even better.

Everybody :

If your organization or region acts upon this advice it will still not save the world. Only when every region of the world takes up this advice will the world return to normality! This is why we need your help not only in being a role model (region) but also in convincing others.

Please read our letter to be sent to scientists and authorities and forward this letter or a link to this website.