We got to stop the Systemic Genocide!

In a country like the United States where most people do not generally regard themselves as being racist, people of color still face some obstacles in getting access to better jobs, education, and fair treatment by the judicial system and police; We call that Systemic Racism because it is not that most people are racist but rather the whole system.

When the system allows colored people of prime age to die at a 10 fold rate (see the web page Our Story) without taking specific measures to help those people we have no choice but to call it Systemic Genocide.

In the 1980s when mostly gay men, people who inject drugs and hemophiliacs where dying from a mysterious disease (HIV-Aids) something was done to address the specific needs of those people and perhaps a bit too little for the general population. However now the system largely ignores the specific needs of the people who are the most affected by Covid-19 and simply brushes off their problems based on racial prejudices. Even the CDC notes that Covid-19 is killing colored people on average 10 years earlier but yet does not do the obvious thing to prevent it.

It is just as racist

  • if a boss sees a potential black employee coming through the door as non employable based on some prejudices that he is likely to be a gang member

  • if doctors sees disproportionately colored people being taken into intensive care with Covid-19 and ignoring that Vitamin-D deficiencies are the most likely reason. (It is well known that colored people tend to be more deficient in Vitamin-D because the melanin in their skin prevents them from synthesizing their own Vitamin-D as efficiently as a white people.)

It is not that the doctors are stupid. It is Systemic Stupidity. It is not that the doctors are not aware of the above, it is the system that does not encourage them to speak up, and allows the media to reinforce common misconceptions which is at fault. When 25 out the 26 doctors that died in the first wave of Covid-19 in the UK were colored, it is Systemic Idiocy not to recognize that this has something to do with Vitamin-D rather than social status.

It is an example of Systemic Racism that alarm bells are not being rung and System wide policies not being implemented to address this emergency situation.

It is Systemic Racism on a world wide scale that is happening now when it has become clear that Vitamin-D is very important in suppressing Covid-19 (why else would more than 10 Departments and Professors at Harvard University be doing a randomized trial to be published in 2021) that it is not being used aggressively to fight the Coronavirus especially in countries which will have a delayed access to vaccines. Countries with predominantly colored populations.

It is also clear that the lockdowns are having a much more severe effect on third world countries (also prominently inhabited by colored people). When people can not sell their goods (locally or globally) they have no money to buy food and are pushed into extreme poverty and starvation.

In the end we did not need large randomized trials to determine that smoking is bad for your health, we had enough and overwhelming evidence. ( In 1994, seven CEOs of the top seven US tobacco corporations testified before the US Congress that nicotine was not addictive even though they probably knew it was.) We can not with good conscience ignore all the evidence to the contrary and pretend Vitamin-D does not play a very important role with Covid-19.

It is criminal when powerful interests influence the content of magazines and reports to give misleading or false information.

We can use our common sense to say that the benefits outweigh any risks to start immediate supplementation of some drink or food with Vitamin-D as Finland does (with milk) and to encourage people especially those at risk to take extra Vitamin-D as the Helsinki region does. The Hospital District of Helsinki and surrounding region (HUS) recommends that all people take an additional vitamin-D supplement (in addition to what they get via their heavily supplemented milk). Importantly, they recommend that colored people, older people and any adults in 24 hour care take a double dosage and that overweight people take five times as much.

We are impressed and recommend that all countries of the world take Finland and Helsinki as their role model. There are huge health benefits to be had with Covid-19 (and with other health issues -recent study shows about a 40% reduction in cancer deaths) and hence economic, social and political gains for any region that has the courage to take the common sense approach of food or drink supplementation and to run a public campaign for people (especially those at risk) to take their own vitamin D supplements.