If the secret were to become common knowledge it would revolutionize how countries keep Covid-19 under control!

Are you frustrated with the Coronavirus and/or the lockdowns?

Then read at least this front page and take the action suggested towards the end.

On the 9th of February 2021 Spiegel published an article titled "Belege fĂĽr Vitamin-D-Wirkung gegen Corona fehlen" which translates to "There is no evidence of vitamin D's effect against corona". If you look at that article with critical eyes; with eyes from someone who has studied Public Relations you quickly see that the article is written or influenced by what we call spin doctors. We will be tearing this article apart in the coming days. In the face of such Misinformation campaigns we need to step up our efforts and we will be needing your help. In the meantime please read on....

On the 20th of December 2020 CNN published as their main news article the story “Europe's coronavirus crisis is resurging. For months, 3 Nordic nations kept it under control — without lockdowns”. This article identifies Finland as the most successful country in terms of death rate and acknowledges that this success has been achieved “amid some of the most relaxed restrictions in Europe”

However what that article and similar articles fail to reveal is the real secret behind Finland's success:

For mobile users: Turn your phone sideways to see this graph better.

Some years ago Finland discovered that it was way behind the other Nordic countries in regard to Vitamin-D deficiency in the general population. Finland not wanting to be worse than the other Nordic countries in any respect responded with a massive Vitamin-D supplementation program. So they not only add Vitamin-D to their milk but add twice as much as the other few countries that also add Vitamin-D to their milk. This coupled with the fact that they still drink considerable milk means that they have less overall Vitamin-D deficiencies than other countries.

The secret to Finland's success is this low Vitamin-D deficiency. The Finns themselves are not really aware of this and tend to attribute their success to their very limited other measures to keep the Coronavirus under control. But if we compare Finland's success to Irelands which took on no lesser other measures we see a five fold death rate. The only logical explanation for this is that the people of Ireland are hit harder by the Coronavirus because of Vitamin-D deficiencies in the absence of a country wide Vitamin-D supplementation program.

Update 7 April 2021 Ireland just discovered Finland's secret and is recommending Vitamin-D for everyone

Vitamin-D helps both the innate and adaptive immune response and dampens the hyperinflammatory response to the Coronavirus.

People in their prime age are dying from Covid-19: dark skinned people (with their inherent greater Vitamin-D deficiencies) so much so that we have to call it Systemic Genocide.

Over 10 departments and professors at Harvard University have joined forces to make a cluster randomized trial as they see some compelling evidence from various directions that Vitamin-D seems to really work against Covid-19.

Below is a link to a list of about 200 scientists and medical professionals who are calling for authorities to take immediate action regarding Vitamin-D. This subject should not be buried in committees or reports: We have enough evidence to take action and we need something now to bridge the gap until enough people have been vaccinated and to reinforce the potential benefits of mass vaccination and to help the people who do not want to get vaccinated. It is also possible that Vitamin-D would reduce the side effects for the people being vaccinated. By addressing Vitamin-D deficiencies we could also be reducing the incidence of Osteoporosis, Multiple Sclerosis, severe flu, obesity, mental health problems, pregnancy complications, diabetes, depression and deaths by cancer.


Politicians need to be hearing calls for action from every direction and this is where your help in spreading this message comes into play. Even when you spread the message to ordinary people the chances of our message eventually reaching important influencers and decisionmakers is increased and the people that you pass our message to, can address their own Vitamin-D deficiencies; which will make them less vulnerable to Coronavirus.

Don't leave it to others

Do something positive to help spread the right information. Send a link to this website to everyone you know


WhatsApp it, post it on Facebook, tweet it, send it to your local paper, politicians, medical professionals, regional authorities, hospitals, elderly care facilities, friends and family, whoever.

It is important to spread the right information and not the wrong information such as the information about Vitamin-C which has been shown to be deadly for very sick, hospitalized Covid-19 patients.

We declare that we do not have any conflict of interest.

Prof. Dr. S. Werth

Yuxiao He - Graduate from Wuhan University

Siggi Magnusson - Economist / Technologist & Communication Expert

WhatsApp +41763560000


Stop the Systemic Genocide! Colored people are needlessly dying!

Our Story. What convinced us and will hopefully convince others

Supporting Material. There is lot's of scientific evidence.

Join Us. Join our campaign online and/or on location in Iceland or Switzerland

Please spread our message and the link to our website! https://www.end-covid-19.org

We have put a lot of effort into this website. We would be grateful if you would share with us if it helped.

Supporting material:

Why are all these professors at the World's Top University putting their time into this and doing a research study titled: The vitamin D for COVID-19 (VIVID) trial: A pragmatic cluster-randomized design ? - They have made a great summary of the evidence so far, which they use as a part of their introduction and reasoning for their trial to be completed in 2021

About 200 Scientists, Doctors & Leading Authorities Call For Increased Vitamin D Use To Combat COVID-19

www.health.casa More in-depth discussions about many of the points made above

https://www.hs.fi/kotimaa/art-2000007684817.html Helsinki and surrounding region is now even going a step further than the rest of the country by recommending that everybody take a supplement and that colored and overweight people take even more. Cut and paste into https://translate.google.com to get a translation of this Finish article

Strong Correlation Between Prevalence of Severe Vitamin D Deficiency and Population Mortality Rate from COVID-19 in Europe

Webinar about vitamin D, immunity and the Coronavirus We highly recommend watching first the segment by Dr David Grimes 51 minutes into the Video. and then the segment by Dr Gareth Davis 38 minutes into the video.

The CNN article mentioned in our main story above

Effect of Calcifediol Treatment and best Available Therapy versus best Available Therapy on Intensive Care Unit Admission and Mortality Among Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19: A Pilot Randomized Clinical study

Here is a link to a discussion about the above study with links to 48 other studies: New Study: Vitamin D reduces risk of ICU admission 97%

Association of Vitamin D Status and Other Clinical Characteristics With COVID-19 Test Results

Vitamin D and Inflammation: Potential Implications for Severity of Covid-19 Shows some epidemiological correlations

Evidence Regarding Vitamin D and Risk of COVID-19 and Its Severity Not completely conflict of interest free but a very thorough and as it appears impartial evaluation of Vitamin-D studies up to a certain time point. However the authors fail to point out that it is almost impossible to do a high quality clinical study based on incoming patients vitamin-D levels; Either you have too few people in the control group or a higher number of people with known or unknown comorbidities in that group. A clinical study can bypass this problem. However, if you are a researcher and you are really convinced by all the other evidence that that Vitamin D works you have the option of doing a study where you randomly give some of your patience Vitamin-D and others not. Although this could be of benefit for humanity it is understandable that many potential researchers do not take this path as they would be knowingly put some of their patience at risk of losing their lives.

Vitamin D deficiency 2.0: an update on the current status (January 2020) worldwide

WHO official urges world leaders to stop using lockdowns as primary virus control method

Fish consumption and the Coronavirus: https://www.helgilibrary.com/indicators/fish-consumption-per-capita/ and https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html or https://covid19.who.int

Sprinkles another method of providing Vitamin-D supplements.

https://www.facebook.com/ScotmannPharmaceuticals/videos/dr-david-grimes-vitamin-d-and-covid-19/385756796118084/ Dr David Grimes on the history of Vitamin-D and how it works against the Coronavirus

The virus does not spread nearly as well through people who do not have symptoms nor by children

The Great Barrington Declaration

Further Reading:

COVID-19 Disease and Vitamin D: A Mini-Review

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