Let Common Sense and Science prevail!

Our Story:

We are people who want to help the world! Our initial project has to do with saving the biodiversity see www.biodiversity.vision - However we took on this cause as we noticed more and more convincing information about how Vitamin-D can make all the difference in the fight against Covid-19 and at the same time we saw policies being implemented that on the whole do not help the world. We hope you can join us by drawing attention to our website or helping us otherwise online or on location in the Swiss mountains and/or in Iceland, even if it is just for brainstorming. ( Get and forward invitations to stay for free at www.Think-Tank.foundation )

Before we go into details we are compelled to address what we think is standing in the way of a widespread adoption of using Vitamin-D for prevention and treatment:

  • In clinical environments when Vitamin-D is used in conjunction with Vitamin-C the effect is not likely to be positive as Vitamin-C has been shown to increase mortality rates by 360% when used on ICU patients. So to see the real benefit of Vitamin-D, it should NOT be used with Vitamin-C nor hydroxychloroquine.

  • For the general public such a simple solution as Vitamin-D just seems incredible. Almost everybody has heard the untrue myth about Vitamin-C working against the common cold and therefore can hardly be blamed for thinking this is just another one of those myths.

  • A leading European health authority, some news organizations and websites are responsible for articles that do not hold up to scrutiny. They prominently refer directly to a study that should not be referred to at all as it uses data for Covid-19 patients Vitamin-D levels that are over a decade old or refer to an article that does. It is sad beyond belief that such shabby work is preventing governments, health authorities and people themselves from saving lives. Here we are not referring to the study itself but the work of the people who write about it.

  • Other publications including The Lancet in an editorial recommend Vitamin-D but unfortunately go on about a study that studied severity of acute respiratory tract infections and Vitamin-D but NOT Covid-19. Why single out a study that was not conclusive and has no direct connection with Covid-19?

  • Other leading authorities fail to differentiate between helpful advice and bad or even deadly advice. So they group every thing together like Vitamin-D and Vitamin-C which have opposite effects on the mortality of Covid-19 patients and mention Zinc (some even without noting the danger of using Zinc. ) One even goes so far as to target our website with a paid ad. Makes one wonder who is behind this effort to squash good information.

  • There is a very convincing clinical Covid-19 study that shows a 2600% increase in severe cases for patients that did not get Calcifediol (a Vitamin-D derivative). Of course the authors of that study would like to make a larger study but that should not prevent us from benefiting from these conclusive results.

  • There is a systematic failure in acknowledging that it is almost impossible to do a clinical study based on inpatient Vitamin-D levels because if you want to control for other factors such as obesity and skin color you will not have enough candidates for the control group.

  • There are more than 100,000 studies so far to do with Covid-19. It may be very difficult for authors of small studies about Vitamin-D and Covid-19 to get the desired notice.

  • There is an ethical problem for a doctor who knows that Vitamin-D works to withhold it from a control group as it will result in deaths.

  • So, many of the best doctors are using Vitamin-D quietly with good results. The problem is that its use is not widespread enough.

  • Other doctors may have tried Vitamin-D in conjunction with Vitamin-C and/or hydroxychloroquine and found negative results for the reason described above. There are unfortunately way to many Doctors especially in France and third world countries are recommending Vitamin-C and/or hydroxychloroquine.

  • There is growing evidence of a misinformation campaign against Vitamin-D

Early on in the Covid-19 crises we noticed the research done by Irish scientists suggesting a link between Vitamin-D and Sars-Cov-2

We saw a connection between very high fish consumption and how well countries were coping with the Coronavirus. We did not link this immediately with Vitamin-D (because fish is not generallyy regarded as an adequate source of Vitamin-D) but have since realized that fish consumption of over 1 Kg per week does make a difference.

We looked into which countries supplemented their milk with Vitamin-D and found Finland to be leading the way by adding double what any other country adds. Given all the other evidence it is not surprising that Finland is doing better than any other European nation.

We also noticed that colored people in the US in the age group between 30 and 50 are dying at a 10 fold rate compared to white people (adjusting for the fact that they are approximately 25% of the population). Of course this difference can not be explained simply by saying it is because colored people are poor in the US. For example in Texas (a state hit hard by the Coronavirus - including the big city of Houston whose inhabitants are mostly black) the average black household earns considerably more than the average household (of any race - predominantly white) in the developed nations (OECD). We also noticed that during a normal flu season it is mainly colored people who are being treated in US hospitals so it does not seem to be the case that colored people have less access to hospitals in the United States. Our theory is that Vitamin-D supplementation of milk in the US (which is still considerably lower than in Finland) is enough to make a difference for working age white people but not for colored people.

We would find it comical were it not for the fact that people where dying but also very informative that it was Somalian women in Sweden that where hit hardest in the early days of the Pandemic as these women are the most likely people to be Vitamin-D deficient because obviously they do not get any Vitamin-D through sun exposure.

We note that almost all of the doctors who where dying in the UK during the first wave of Covid-19 were non-white.

We note a study of 100 people who were hospitalized with Covid-19. Of the 50 people who got the Vitamin-D derivative (Calcifediol) only 1 had to go to intensive care, whereas more than half i.e. 26 people in the control group had to go into intensive care, people who did not get Calcifediol.

We also note the recent success by one region in Spain which reduced mortality rates by 60% by administering Calcifediol.

Being aware that Vitamin-D acts like a hormone we were not surprised that a maker of a patented hormone could demonstrate that their hormone also had a positive effect in treating the virus and that their marketing is somewhat successful whereas non patentable Vitamin-D does not get the same coverage even though it has less side effects and can be used at every stage.

We note that there are always more and more studies about Vitamin-D and Covid-19 are coming out. We appreciate these studies and note that most do show an association between Vitamin-D deficiency and Covid-19 and an inverse relationship between Vitamin-D treatment and Covid-19.

We understand that known comorbidity factors contribute to 94% of covid-19 deaths. When studies of people already in hospital infected with Sars-Cov-2 are statistically adjusted for these factors and in addition adjusted for age, social standing, smoking, ethnicity, obesity and sex then the presence of individuals with unknown comorbidity, unquantifiable comorbidity and comorbidity factors that are not measured will be amplified (lets call these three groups collectively people with special conditions). Therefore when adjusted the control group in a study is likely to have disproportionately more people (or a greater statistical weight place on) those who used to smoke, who have abused alcohol, drug users, people with an undiagnosed disease, rare disease, or a disease that has yet to be identified as a comorbidity, hidden disease or some unidentified risk factor. Because the known comorbidity factors are so close to the 100% mark and ethnicity especially for the working age population is also such an overwhelming factor and because otherwise healthy people are inherently unlikely to be in hospital in the first place for Covid-19 any study done within a hospital environment is bound not to be classified as a high quality study. Scientists face a catch 22 situation: either they try to control for everything and the study is not as statistically significant or they remove some factor such as race which is strongly associated with Vitamin-D deficiency or age and get a quick rebuttal from other scientists. In spite of the control groups being weighed down by people with special conditions the studies still tend to show higher morbidity for people with Vitamin-D deficiency. We suspect that we can wait forever for a study done in a hospital environment that manages to control for all these factors or a study that gets away with leaving out a factor and would still be regarded as authoritative enough. Maybe the Harvard study will be the exception.

However we should not let the difficulty of being able to make a "high quality" study deter us from getting out the truth. Dr. Gareth Davis borrows methodologies from Physics to prove using 16 parameters a direct causal relationship between Covid-19 and Vitamin-D deficiency.

We are aware that the prevalence of fake news and the myth about Vitamin-C could be contributing to peoples disbelief that anything so simple as Vitamin-D could be the solution. (We believe Vitamin-C has no positive effect on Covid-19, nor indeed the common cold, nor that anti oxidants properties are beneficial to peoples health). We suspect that most people deep down feel the same way. Indeed we observed that if our web page would mention Vitamin-D upfront people would stay on that web page for less than 3 seconds.

We find it regrettable that the one institution that a lot of European countries look up to has presented their opinion that the studies to date showing a correlation between Vitamin-D and Covid-19 are of low quality. We get the impression that the summary that this institution has made about these studies is itself is of low-quality. We object to how they compare a study showing the expected relationship with a study that does not show a relationship (neither positive or negative relationship) and one would hardly expect to show a relationship as it involves Vitamin-D measurements done 10 to 14 years earlier and then use the word "conversely" when comparing these studies. We understand that when medical professional are presented with the studies in this way and when grouped together with the a study about Vitamin-C that actually shows that when Vitamin-C is administered in ICU fatalities go up by 360% they are inclined to avoid Vitamins all together. (We note that Zinc may cause non-reversible damage to a persons body especially the copper in peoples hearts and should be avoided.)

Some scientists are saying that the lockdowns are shortening peoples lives on average by 3 months (actually it is affecting some people much worse and others less). So we did some quick calculations. Assuming that on average the people who die from Covid-19 would otherwise have had 5 more years to live (as most are reported to have other serious comorbidities some would have died much earlier than that 5 year estimate and others later). Here are the calculations:

2 million people (who have died from Covid-19 so far) X 5 years = 10 million life years lost directly from Covid-19

4 billion people (who have been subject to lockdowns X 0.25 years = 1 billion life years lost

So 100 times more life years lost due to the lockdowns than from Covid-19. This does not include the lives lost or that will be lost from starvation in developing countries as a result of the lockdowns.

Newly released calculations from the CDC regarding reduced life expectancy in the US support the above theory. The CDC itself and how the news is reported fails however to point out that the overwhelming reduction in lifespan is NOT because of direct Covid-19 deaths. Obviously 500 000 covid-19 deaths can not account for 330 million lost years due to shorter life expectancy. In fact the CDC based their calculations on data available mid 2020 and based on this data they estimated an average decrease in life-expectancy of one year not 3 months like we did. So based on this higher number and the fact that the situation looks like it is going to be extended at least 3 times longer, i.e. at least to mid 2021 and not mid 2020, the 100 fold estimate may be a gross underestimate.

Our mission is to get people and the authorities to use Vitamin-D as part of the solution. So why are we going of in a tangent and pointing out that the lockdowns are actually causing way more live years to be lost then they are saving. Because it has been demonstrated as in the case of Finland that it is possible with Vitamin-D to not only flatten the curve but to bring down the curve and even prevent the curve from rising in the first place, negating the need for hard lockdowns in the first place. And it is our duty to try everything else that can reduce the need for lockdowns and the massive suffering they bring.

We note that people around the world are becoming more vocal about Vitamin-D. We note that a lot of doctors agree with using Vitamin-D as part of their treatment and are also recommending people to take it as a preventative measure. This is good news but what is not good is how long it takes for those practices to spread (it should not be limited to the rich and privileged who have access to the best doctors) and that it is not happening on a national or international (read WHO) level. We would like for some country to take the lead. It seems that countries are excusing themselves from action for not having the courage to take the lead. Finland's success is for the most part not because of a better response to the Coronavirus but rather by the coincidence that they were already adding a lot of Vitamin-D to their milk. We are very encouraged by the fact that the Helsinki hospital district has made the most sensible recommendations to people and especially people at risk to take Vitamin-D supplement's. Other regions, countries, indeed the whole world need to follow this example. (See our discussion on our Systemic Genocide page)

We note that doctors are using Vitamin-D as part of their cocktail of drugs against Covid-19, including the treatment of ex-president Trump. We also understand that when Vitamin-D is used as an ingredient in a cocktail of drugs it is difficult to determine the role that Vitamin-D plays. In the case of President Trump we suspect that the credit was given to the wrong drug, a claim that was partly supported when WHO and the EU suggested that that specific drug is not effective in the treatment of Covid-19.

Last but not least we note the Harvard study. We suspect that the fact that so many departments and prominent Professors of Harvard University are collaborating on a new randomized study to be completed in 2021 is a good indications that they believe there are credible indicators that Vitamin-D would work. (Please take a close look at the introduction to their study).